Thursday, October 16, 2008

Winter Is Here

 For me at least, winter started on Tuesday.   I got a call that one of our drills that was drilling in the mountains south of Butte Montana was done.  They had over 30 inches of snow fall in 24 hours and were buried.  The pulled the plug on it for the winter and now we had to get it down the mountain and all the other equipment with it.  All kinds of fun.  By the time I got there the bulldozer had plowed the road into the drill site but everything was buried.  We started loading up and after a few hours that guy that was the foreman got on his cell phone for a minute and turned and said "I'm done take me into town I have a new job in West Virginia"  Chickenshit punk, two others quit and that left me and one hillbilly from Tenessee.  We got a load off and drove the five hours to Coeur d'Alene.  Going back tomorrow for another crack at it.  I heard it's snowing again.  

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