Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Biloxi Blues

Here is a picture of Don Carney enjoying a smoke while waiting for the prostitute. This probably was a good play for the grandmas to miss. Bryant has stepped up to a PG-13 rating in his latest role. Seems strange to see him fake smoking (they had to tell him to slow it down, he looked like he was speed smoking) and using some mild swear words that I have never heard him say. (bullsh** ect.) But he is having a good experience in a very good play with a great cast. I have seen it 4 times and I really like it. Boo does a great job and he keeps adding to it each perfromance. This weekend is the last 3 performances I will probably catch one more before it is done. Come up and see it (not the grandmas)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Wonder Drug

To loose weight, for good digestion and to ease 'nerve strain' tobacco is the answer. Just ask all the doctors who smoke camels. The good old days, where ignorance was bliss. You died a lot sooner but there wasn't so much fuggin nerve strain.

Friday, January 19, 2007

The I Don't Give A Shite List

The following is a short list that is by no means complete of asshats I do not ever want to hear anything about again. I'm sick of them in the newspaper - on the teevee - on the computer. Even if you don't care about this kind of crap you can't escape it. They are trivial human beings that have been give some kind of weird status in this world that is by no means in line with their contributions to society.

Kevin Federline
Brittany Spears
Lindsay Lohan
Paris Hilton
Nichole Ritchie
Brad Pitt and his wives and kids and the whole damn thing
Any celebrity who goes to rehab (dont care)
Any celebrity who has a baby (dont care)
Any celebrity who gets divorced or married or splits up or cheats ( really really dont care)
And Nancy Pelosi

*Ty commented on two obvious choices left off. Trump and Rosie - equally repugnant.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Say Hello To My Leettle Fren

This squirrel has been hanging out at our house lately. He is pretty cool I guess. He plays the blues and sometimes makes me cry. I have named him Coltrain.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Eagles Have Landed

The eagles are back in Coeur d'Alene. They come in droves this time of year to feast on the kokanee salmon in Lake Coeur d'Alene. The fish have spawned and are weakening and floating near the surface. The great birds dive and catch them in their talons, take them to a lofty perch in a pine tree and eat them, sushi style. They will not eat dead fish. Very cool to watch, just in the one bay of the lake there will be over 100 eagles flying around and in the trees. The spawn will be over in a few weeks and the ealges will be gone, except for the ones that stay here year round. Eagles are cool.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ryhme This

The sky is in encased in a grey steel vault
The wind roars and the pine trees bend to the breaking point
The ground is rigid, frozen in time
The piles of snow decline and grow in a ceaseless dance of futility.
The air is cutting, frozen vapors hang in an icy claw.
The water is still, molecules silenced under the unrelenting ice.
The songbirds are silenced, the flower long gone.
Holy freakin shit this winter is long.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


My New Year's Resolution is to quit being so damn nice. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Like Thoreau said "If I apologize for anything it is my good behavior, what demon possessed me to make me act this way." I was going to loose some weight but this one is more important, I have started on it right away.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year

2007 is here, much to the dismay of the end of the world crowd who get proved wrong on an annual basis. Predicting the end is a tricky thing, when you are proved wrong you act relieved and chalk it up to your prayers for deliverance. I have heard the end of the road crap going back to some of my earliest memories. Back when I was 11 or 12 the big play taking the Wastach Front by storm was Saturday's Warrior - gripping theater, preying on folks worst fears. Tearfull audiences resolving to get their shit together now - I really really mean it this time man. Catch up on tithing, store some beans and rice, get the home teaching done, forgive all the bastards that wronged you. Hmm... 30 something years ago. I remember sunday school and priesthood advsiors solemly predicting that we would not have families of our own but we might be able to squeeze in a mission if we were lucky. Even the Nostradamus prohpecies fell on their butt the last couple of years. Of course Iran, Korea and their lot are making an honest effort in that direction and give them a few years and nuclear holecaust could be the big hope. Natural disasters in my opinion are probably gonna do the most damage, a couple of big tsunamis, huge earthquake and a big ass hurricane all at the same time would cause some serious problems, maybe the beginning of the end. Maybe the the icecaps will melt and everyone in San Francisco will end up in Butte Montana and the culture clash will leave no one standing. For the record I do believe in storing food and supplies but you could get lucky and take a well timed trip to Costco in the pickup truck and stock up at the last minute much to the dismay of the people who's food storage is about to hit the expiration date. Still the main problem I have is there are a fair number who are not just wanting the end, they are counting on it and can't wait for the pagan bastards to get what's coming to them. The world is has a lot of evil, horrible stuff out there, bad people too. If you read much history it has always been that way and to tell you the truth some of the worst of it ain't happening now. People are mean to each other and that isn't going to change, not even in the last day of the last days, whatever that means. One good thing for the doom and gloomers - one of these days your gonna be right! I'm going to Costco. Peace.