Friday, February 09, 2007

The Dog Whisperer

Rock chucking and the art of dog training as I know it. We have had Tasha's dog Etnie now for over a year. Etnie is a Australian Shepard mix and is a class 'A' little shit. She likes to run off, bark at people and generally make you want to get out a rifle and take careful aim. She hates the kennel we have with a passion and would not go in it unless you bribed her with food. Last winter I took her cross country skiing and when I got back to the truck she wouldn't come to me and some lady that was there had to catch her for me. Oh, I was mad that day.
This is all came to a head last July on the banks of the Clearwater River in Idaho. Me and Bryant were camped in a nice spot on the river next to a wooden bridge across the river for hikers and livestock. It went to a trail system that included a fire lookout 10 miles in. Because of the trail and bridge people would occasionally stop and walk out on the bridge. Every time they did Etnie would tear over there and bark at them. She was being her crappy little self and wouldn't come when you called and otherwise just look at you and take off. We stayed there three nights and every morning I was awakened by some jackass at 5:00 a.m. who jogged up the dirt road right next to our camp. It went like this - crunch, crunch, crunch, bark, growl, bark, screaming. Never saw the guy but he was a real pussy and scared to death of dogs. He always left off with a withering scream in the distance of 'control your dog!' I ignored this because as I have pointed out she ain't my dog.
So one fine day at the noon hour as I was eating lunch after a excellent morning of fishing for Clearwater cutthroats a car pulls up at the bridge and a family gets out. I was already trying to get hold of Etnie but she slipped away and started her usual bullshit. The family was unloading day packs and getting ready for a hike, one of the boys ran out on the bridge to have a look because it was a cool place. Etnie was behind him barking and wouldn't give it up. I walked over yelling at her but she didn't listen and was really started getting aggressive and growling and lunging at the kid and cutting off his escape route. He looked to be about 10 or 11 and was trying to be brave about it but she did look like she might bite. By this time I had all of her crap I could handle. I ran across the bridge toward her, she took one look at me and hauled ass to the other side. The poor kid took off back to his car and I continued on after the mutt. I got to the end of the bridge and called and whistled to her, she kept about 50 yards between us and wouldn't come back. So naturally I snapped. I picked up some rocks and took off, she realized the gravity of the situation and ran up the trail. I was throwing rocks and yelling, the rocks were pretty good size, about like a baseball, it was a long throw and I wasn't coming too close in accuracy. We carried on like this for about a quarter of a mile when we came to a switchback and I could see her running and had a view of the trail in front of her. I let loose with a rock and could clearly see the trajectory and hang time as she streaked up the trail. Dog and rock collided in a picture perfect moment I will never forget. She yelped long and hard and then realizing I wasn't freaking kidding she turned around with her tail down and walked straight back to me without hesitation. I was still mad but do not ever touch a dog that comes back to you. She walked right by my side all the way back, we passed the family and they didn't say much. Once we got close to camp she took off and hid under my truck. She is smart and laid low for awhile.
Ever since that day she has been really good for me, she will come when I call and will kennel up on command. She doesn't give me any trouble and if she starts all I have to do is bend down like I am picking up a rock and she toes the line in an instant. I probably should sell my new method of dog training and charge extra for a nice rock. I will call it 'Rock Your Dog's World' Not endorsed by the Humane Society but it works. As for Etnie she is a real character and despite myself I can't help but like the little shit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was wonderful!