Monday, March 21, 2005

Lets get it on

Hi, Coming at ya from Hayden, Idaho. Unemployed (kinda) and living in a state of semi-retirement, but I have a long list of things to do around this new home and our old one that is for sale. I also have plans to get my real estate license and help Lisa. Or I might do some landscaping with all the new construction around here there is a big demand for all kinds of sub-contractors. One thing I will do is fish. Nick is coming here the first of April and we will head across the border into Montana and fish for a week. The Stoneflies are coming off and we will be throwing some big hairy flies out of drift boats on the Clark Fork River or the Bitteroot or the Kootenai. Nirvana for the fly fisherman. This is my first blog, prepare yourself for some of my ramblings. Some might not be suitable for children born in the covenant, I can be really juvenile sometimes; bless my heart.

1 comment:

Old Griz said...

Hey, I got left out of the fishing trip, sowhatsthedeal. I always took you guys along. Actually I can't get away anyway. Dang it all.