Thursday, March 24, 2005

Gettin Old

Went to get fitted for spectacles today. Had my eyes checked for the first time in my life. I knew I needed some glasses because I have been using reading glasses off and on for about a year. I can read without them it just is harder. So Lisa and I both went to take advantage of the medical insurance while I still have it. Little tip for you, when the do the "puff" test be prepared for a startlingly irritating blast of air right in your eyeball, pissed me off but I took it without too much fuss. Then they dilated my pupils which really screwed up my vision for hours. I was getting ready for them to stick a hot needle in my eye to finish the torture session but that was about it. So the verdict was - surprise - I need glasses for reading and also mild stigmatism so I got a fancy pair coming. Still cost me 300 bucks, so much for my great insurance. The price of getting old I guess, luckily I can still move like a cat and bench my weight if I have to. I may be a grandpa but damnit I can still contribute to society, I just don't want to right now.

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