Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I was in front of the garage messing with my truck when I heard some hissing and snarling. Sounded like a first class cat fight so I looked around the side of the garage and saw a couple of cats up a pine tree about 30 yards away. The first cat was a big fluffy house cat and the bottom one was a mountain lion with its claws in the ass of the aforementioned pussycat. At first I thought it was a bobcat as it was kind of scrunched up but after a real pisser of a battle with the housecat which actually got loose and went clear to the top of the tree, I saw that it was a cougar and it didn't act liked it felt real comfortable going up any further. It looked down and I got a good look at it's head and saw that it definetely was a mountain lion. Not a big one, but not a cub either. It slowly inched it's way down and walked around the tree several times looking up then it vanished like a ghost. Wish I could have got a picture. Told the neighbors who freaked a bit and quit letting their little dog run around outside. Never did find out who owns the tough little pussycat that came home with a sore ass. Freedom of the wild baby, it's cool here.

1 comment:

Gordon's Blog said...

Purty cool!