Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Wind Blewed

This home not far from us was one of many that had trees down. 65 mile an hour winds tore up the area. Luckily none of our trees went down. We were without power for one night only. The wind blewed and blewed and then it blewed some more. Andy and the King Cove crowd would scoff at a measly 65 mph wind but then they don't have any freakin trees either.
Of course blewed is not a word but blowed is in the dictionary - says it is used chiefly in the Southern U.S. (redneck central) - past tense of blow is blowed, sorry but that sounds worse than blewed.
The wind is not blewing anymore and has blowed itself out, the effects of the blowning still are evident and we are still blowned away by it. We hope it does not blowed again anytime soon. .

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