Saturday, December 23, 2006

Snow Blower

Woke up to snow falling and about 6 new inches of snow on the ground. This is the third snowstorm in the last 5 days. As I gazed out on the beautiful white wonderland one thought went through my mind - Crap I have to shovel snow. I actually don't mind shoveling snow, it's a good workout and its usually nice and peaceful out there. Our driveway is pretty big, very wide so it takes awhile. The main problem is the neighbors, this place is dominated by mostly retired old guys. Let me put it this way; to fit in you need a snow blower and an enlarged prostate.
After a good storm they come out one by one. Dressed for battle with beanie hats and big boots they emerge from their garages with their snow blowers fired up, steely eyed with their wives waving hankies from the window. Their are two types involved here: the get out early crowd, who usually end up doing it twice, and the later crowd who emerge around noon after a cup of tea and Matlock is over. As you look down the street you see snow flying in the air and the sound of internal combustion engines whining. They look with pity at me and my pathetic snow shovel. Bastards think their better than me. Lisa keeps asking me if I want a snow blower, hell no I say. A point of honor is at stake, I don't need no stinkin machine. The day might come when I can no longer shovel my driveway but it is not today my friend. Give me my shovel and get the hell out of my way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come down to Park City for a few weeks, you will be begging for a snow blower.