Friday, December 22, 2006

Make It Stop

Sometimes in the mornings Lisa has the TV on watching but more like listening to it while she gets ready. I soon discovered that as I tried to read my daily two morning newspapers that the most annoying background noise in the world is Regis and Kelly. The painfully irritating banter between these two is exceeded only by the goofy giggling and cackling of their studio audience. I've seen little parts of the program here and there and holy crap what a bunch of tripe. I don't know what gender good old Reeg is but he isn't a man. When Lisa fires up her blow dryer I run in and shut the TV off, but she always turns it back on. I use to think this program was the worst of the bunch but now I have unluckily discovered one that makes this look like Masterpiece Theater. Can you guess? Of course you can. The View with Rosie O'Douchebag has set a new low in irritating programming. The grating, bossy, bitchy voice of hers is like fingers on a blackboard. Never mind her left wing liberal femi-nazi opinions, which are bad enough, but just the sound of her voice is punishment enough. The View was horrible by itself before she came on but now, oh dear lord, make it stop.

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