Sunday, November 19, 2006

Oh Snap

Well Boo has learned how to snap his fingers. Oh, yea big deal around here. He has been trying off and on for 16 years but finally mastered it last week. To tell you the truth it is wearing thin already. He came up last week and said hey lookee I can snap my fingers! yea! I tried to be supportive but let's face it; if he was five it would have been more of a triumph.. Still, I gave him a attaboy and he went around snapping non-stop for days. It's like having a jazz hands freak around, snap snap snap. I was trying to have a nap sunday afternoon and was woke up by the distinct snapping sounds of a jackass. I kindly said "Stop the finger snapping or I will break them off" There was silence then a definite softening of the snapping sound in the distance. Point taken. He pointed out that his new part in the play Biloxi Blues requires him to snap his fingers. So, just in time. It's all good I guess - if I don't snap first.


Adam said...

I remember feeling the same way when Adalee learned too. Of course she was 3 1/2 at the time.

Anonymous said...

I remember being ELATED when I learned how to snap gum with my teeth. I was 18....not all of us are child prodigies. :p Oh yeah...I can't do it anymore, guess it's one of those talents that either you use or lose.