Thursday, November 30, 2006

L'il Buck Crackers!

Here is the new Pony! L'il Buck Crackers! Adam thinks it's a Shetling Pony, har, oh course everyone knows there is no such thing as a Shetling. Funny Adam. Here's another funny thing say "L'il Buck Crackers" real fast three times. Hee hee, that ought keep the kiddies laughing. Shetland ponies are what you get when it's time to teach your kids to swear properly. Welcome L'il Buck Crackers you stupid *!x*&*#! We love you.


Anonymous said...

your a riot

Anonymous said...

I honestly think lil buck crackers is a better name. Lil buck is'nt even that cool of name for a horse. Brewter was a cool name. It was orginal and sounded good.

CJ's Rant said...

Thanks for the kind words there Anonymous if that is your real name. But I had no support for the Cracker name and Adam was throwing around his money and bullying the old people. So I let him have his petty victory.

Anonymous said...

Who are the old people you are talking about Gramps.