Saturday, March 15, 2008

Hypertension My Ass

So I had to go for another DOT physical the other day. I hate the damn things and I just had one last year. They only gave me one year instead of two because of high blood pressure. Well after the humilating ball grabbing and other bullcrap they tell me my blood pressure is too high again. I'm not really sold on the importance of this little test so I don't care too much. But they only give me a three month card after which I have to pass the test or not drive.
The place is a McDoctor office with drive thru service. The young doctor who looks like a cross between Howdy Doody and Dwight Shrute asks me who my primary care physician is. I tell him it is Dr. Gordon Larsen and secondary is a certain Dr. Nick of Cheyenne. I blame both of them for this as it happened on their watch.
The magic number which means very little to me is 134 over 98. Apparently the first number is ok and the second sucks it up. So he goes over the stuff I shouldn't do, smoke, drink, eat, have fun etc. So I will try and loose some weight and maybe take some medication and see what happens. I guess this stuff runs in the family.
Looking at the average fat ass truck driver out there with a cigarette in one hand and bean burrito in the other and being told I'm not fit to join their ranks is a little disturbing. In fact it really pisses me off which as I'm told doesn't help the situation at all.


Anonymous said...

Thats funny, did you tell them your epileptic kid passes with no problem.

Anonymous said...

I would kill for 138 over 98. Mine is usually around 145 over 98.