Saturday, March 15, 2008

Drilled Again

I am going to be a driller. I am leaving tomorrow for 20 days in Nevada where I will train to run a core drill. All in all a good thing I guess. The other job was getting me home more often but I was only making about half what I will make going on a drill. Also I get to kinda skip the whole 'helper' gig which is great. Usually you have to be a helper which is a shitty job for a year before you get on the controls but I guess I have paid my dues in other ways.
I am definetely not looking forward to the 20 day hitch with 12 hours days with the last ten days on night shift. But it should open up some other opportunities and I will make more money so I decided to give it a whirl.
I will be in Battle Mountain Nevada if you need me. We are drilling on surface at a pretty nice location on a mountainside only about 10 miles out of town. Could be worse. I will let you know how it goes.

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