Friday, January 19, 2007

The I Don't Give A Shite List

The following is a short list that is by no means complete of asshats I do not ever want to hear anything about again. I'm sick of them in the newspaper - on the teevee - on the computer. Even if you don't care about this kind of crap you can't escape it. They are trivial human beings that have been give some kind of weird status in this world that is by no means in line with their contributions to society.

Kevin Federline
Brittany Spears
Lindsay Lohan
Paris Hilton
Nichole Ritchie
Brad Pitt and his wives and kids and the whole damn thing
Any celebrity who goes to rehab (dont care)
Any celebrity who has a baby (dont care)
Any celebrity who gets divorced or married or splits up or cheats ( really really dont care)
And Nancy Pelosi

*Ty commented on two obvious choices left off. Trump and Rosie - equally repugnant.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Couldnt agree more.

I would add:




Every single person who has anything to do with American Idol.

I got more but that will do for now.

Adam said...

some of those names I have never heard of. Guess I need to watch more tv like you two.

Anonymous said...

You know its what we(as in we my generation) care about, its who we are without the MTV and the E!Channel we would be nobody's, because we try to be like the somebodys and then end up as nobodys anyway it just makes us who we are!