Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Eagles Have Landed

The eagles are back in Coeur d'Alene. They come in droves this time of year to feast on the kokanee salmon in Lake Coeur d'Alene. The fish have spawned and are weakening and floating near the surface. The great birds dive and catch them in their talons, take them to a lofty perch in a pine tree and eat them, sushi style. They will not eat dead fish. Very cool to watch, just in the one bay of the lake there will be over 100 eagles flying around and in the trees. The spawn will be over in a few weeks and the ealges will be gone, except for the ones that stay here year round. Eagles are cool.


Anonymous said...

I too would like to indulge on kokanee, heh heh.

CJ's Rant said...

Oh no you d'int