Sunday, August 20, 2006

TeeVee Incompatibility

Can you watch television with your spouse? Just wondering because I can't. We have such different tastes in programing that it is ridiculous. Rare indeed are the times when we sit down and watch a show together. And its not just that we like different programs we tend to hate the programs the other likes. Some cases in point.
She likes:
Reality shows: Big Brother, ect. -----------------REALLY Hate them
Contest shows: American Idol, Dancing w/Stars ect. ------------Hate them
Home Decoration Shows: Trading Spaces, ect ----------------Hate them

I Like:
Comedy: Daily Show, Stand Up Comedy ect -------------She hates them
Fly Fishing Shows: Columbia Country ect. ----------------She hates them
News Channels: Fox, MSNBC, some CNN-----------------Not a lot of interest
Serious Shows: King of the Hill, Family Guy ect------------REALLY hates them

We did catch a few things together, we like Last Comic Standing and Rome and Big Love on HBO so I guess we will survive. It just goes to show you that what they say is true Men are from Mars and Women are f******** nuts.


Anonymous said...

Would someone please tell me why I even put up with this man.
By the way I like King of the Hill,
shows you just how much attention he pays to me, We have watched it together a million times.

Anonymous said...

King of the hill!!! your both nuts

Unknown said...

Our TV situation is a little better. You can take the remote from B'Andra when you pry it from her cold, dead hands. And I hate tv. So it works well.

Pink Icing said...

I'm not sure I would ever even entertain another partner as I am deleriously happy with lone control of the tv remote.......