Thursday, May 18, 2006

My God The Heat

This is the situation. It is May 18 and it is 93 degrees in Coeur d'Alene. That crazy bastard Al Gore is right! Holy crap global warming is not a myth. Previous record was 86 degrees and that was back when pioneers were burning buffalo turds on the Oregon Trail to heat up their Mormon Tea for their caffeine fix back before they had Red Bull and Diet Rock Star. Normal temps would be in the 60s-70 range and it will be back there in a few days but this is not right. Wenesday the furnace was on that night and the air conditioner kicked in by afternoon. That kind of drastic change is not good for the soul, in fact it really ticks me off to be deprived of the beautiful spring weather that I love. But I am a glass half full kinda guy and this blast of heat has really cranked up the run-off from snow melt and it might - just might make the June 1 opener on the river fishing in Idaho decent. The rivers are blown right now, big and fast moving. You can almost hear the snow melting on Lolo Peak. Stay tuned, if the global warming persists I hear Greenland is going to be great. In fact buy real estate there now, beat the rush. ( If you do buy I will need to collect the six percent, thanks)

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