Thursday, July 07, 2005

No pants - No problem

I had to put on pants today. Really cramped my style. The thing is, when it is summer and you don't have a traditional "job" per se, you don't need to dress up much. So it is getting a bit warm in the daytime, nights are still cool and comfortable but shorts are the perfect attire. In fact I think I have been wearing nothing but shorts for about 3 weeks. Alas, today I had to go play "realtor". Lisa has some big deal going with some developers on 1100 acres here. She told them I worked with her and so they wanted to have a meeting with me. (Woa, slow down there girl) Well anyway I put on some pants and went and played along, acted like I knew what I was talking about and I think they bought it. These people have money and are going to develop a large project, we might get lucky and get this deal done, I don't know. If we do I might get some new pants - leather ones baby.

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