Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Just returned from a week in the sun burnt wasteland just south of the seventh circle of hell, the locals call it "St. George". I am not exagerating when I say it was a bit warm. Sure it is over 100 degrees everyday and with the monsoon moisture in the air it is humid too, but to compensate the people who live there set their air conditioners at a frosty 83 degrees, perfect for sweating and steaming. A dip in a warm swimming pool is the highlight of the day and leaves you a bit lethargic but wet at least, the evaportive cooling effect last for several seconds until your dry and start to shrivel. I lived there for 18 years but don't know how I did it, I guess I didn't know any better. Yea, yea I know the winters are mild and it was probably really green this spring before the fires burnt everything up but come on. Danish ancestry prevails, we aren't made for this crap. So after the 1000 mile drive north into the panhandle of Idaho it was 93 degrees when we got here. Shit. But at least it cooled down when the sun set and this weekend it is supposed to rain and top out at 78 degrees. I might live.


Anonymous said...

what a pussy

Anonymous said...

I agree, anyone that doesn't agree and been fried into brain damage.

Anonymous said...

I only spent 3 days there and as you can see from the above post I was partially brain damaged.