Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Farley The Damn Dog

Spent the morning in a battle of wits with a Golden retriever. He is actually a mutt, looks like a Golden Lab, we have the papers stating he is a AKC Golden retriever but it didn't happen. The lady we bought him from has agreed to give us another pup. Another story altogether. Anyway the dog is escaping from a kennel we have at our new house. He is used to the backyard at our old place where he lived an idyllic life in a great fenced yard with lush landscaping. He wreaked total havoc on the place causing an estimated 5,000 dollars in damage. His list of feats includes destroying a jacuzzi cover, tearing out and eating about 200 feet of drip system, digging a hole a night for a year straight, eating the handles and seats of 4 bicycles, the list goes on and on. I really don't feel like reliving it, too damn depressing. So at the new place we don't have a fence or landscaping for that matter. So we had a cement pad poured for a kennel. I bought one and me and Boo put it up a couple weeks ago. He tore a hole in the freakin chain link and escaped once, I patched it up but now he has learned to scoot the damn thing off the cement. Takes all of about 2 minutes and he is out. So I got a bunch of logs and stumps from pine trees from the pile nearby and have him temporarily barricaded in place. For now I have won, it looks like crap and it will not last but I will enjoy my petty victory.

1 comment:

Old Griz said...

Should have got a border collie